Um desafio aos leitores!!

Já que me «anunciou» enquanto Contadora de Histórias, vamos lá pôr-me à prova! Quem se interessar, envie-me email ( ou deixe comentário num dos textos, com uma palavra ou frase que me «inspire» para um próximo texto. A ver se pega e a ver se estou à altura..

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Línguas de perguntador

Come closer, closer, yes right here, that's perfect. Now sing me something new, use your sweetest voice, right here, just nearby the bottom of my ear.
Now tell me how you love me. Not how much, but how you love me. I'll show you: I love you deep my love, I love you tight my love, I love you all my love.
See? Easy right? Now it's your turn. I'm not asking you all that much, just need to know if you love me the same way I do love you. Not how much, but the same thing, the same love. Yes. That would be just beautiful.
Your kiss closed in my hand. Your skin touching my lips. The words you don't say laying in your eyes. Yes, I think I know what you mean.

Well, but do I..?

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