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sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

O nosso jardim

Tanggled up in our strange hard knots
briething just becomes easier
with your mouth silencing our thoughts
your dark eyes right here

while your hand shivers down my legs
my skin eagers for all of you
and your gentle voice on my fingertips
makes me smile brand new

You told me «we should dance»
and sang me that little song
(the one we heard on the disco years ago)
and in our bed I danced along

Perfection has no timming
You and me will have no ending
Our knots will keep us together
all of our lifes just blending

The path was not chosen
it came to us with the flow
all the knots are to be broken
here we are dancing slow

(and now we laugh,
 head to head,
 skin to skin,
and it's me who is now singing
our prettiest love song) 

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